Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm sitting in a coffee shop on campus doing some reading, and I notice that they are playing a Christian music CD over the stereo. I don't know if anyone is paying attention to the content of the music, but we're all God's image-bearers so perhaps He is using it to strike a chord in someone's heart tonight who hasn't let Him touch them in a long time.

I realize daily that I have the power of life and death in my hands; I can bring someone a step closer to glory or a step backward from it. C.S. Lewis describes glory as the joy we feel when God notices us, just as a child feels complete when his dad tells him he did a good job riding his bike for the first time. People want to know that they matter, and that they are wonderful. No one is a zero, even though our society is brought up to think that way. Mankind is incredibly significant.


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